

“I  feel empowered & free. I’m proud of the badass energy I now embody.”

  • After coaching with Molly I readily face the world instead of letting it control me. It's the difference between getting out of a rip tide rather than letting it take me out to sea. The riptides still exist, except now I have the tools to get me to safety rather than drowning out at sea. I now create my reality, giving myself loads of grace and love as I work through learning curves. I notice how quickly I'm able to identify something as a pattern I want to choose a new path for, and I'm now able to take the steps in rewiring my brain and rewriting the stories that live there.”

    I feel empowered and free. I’m proud of the badass energy I now embody. I can see and feel the true power I have in my own life, and I'm learning how to wield it to create the life of my dreams. I'm not afraid of my power anymore - I'm friends with it.

    The time and space Molly carves out for you feels like she's stopped time. She'll always make you feel seen, heard, and never rushed. And no feeling is too small to share - Molly will always explain that each idea coming up for you is secretly (or not-so secretly) important, and she has a special way of connecting it back to what you're working on at that time. She always knows what thread to pull and how to reveal to you just how wise you truly are. “

“Everyone needs a Molly
in their life.”

  • Before I worked with Molly, I struggled with bringing my whole self to my singing and my expression. It was challenging for me to allow myself to be vulnerable and be witnessed for who I really am. I did not know what it meant to fully stand in your light and be in belief in yourself, your dreams, your voice, and your vision.

    I now not only allow myself to feel my feelings and experience them, but I have the tools to best care for myself and wellbeing. I feel like I am now able to listen to what I need and desire, and make steps towards achieving these needs, desires, goals, dreams.

    I feel grounded, clear, and embodied. People tell me I am glowing, confident, strong.

    Since working with Molly, I now trust myself. I trust my heart and what my body is telling me, I trust my visions and dreams and boundaries, and I trust my strength and ability to show up for myself in all capacities. I've discovered that true strength comes from vulnerability and being seen, that leading with the heart is what makes me feel fulfilled and joyful, that I am an expansive human who can hold a range of feelings and experiences at once, that my voice is enough and I am enough as I am, and that I can create the life I desire. I'm most proud of myself for finishing school, and now working post grad while navigating great loss in the last 2 years of my life and keeping a soft open heart. I am also proud of the progress I've made both in my personal life and relationships as well as my expression as a singer and performer.

    I learnt how to bring my whole self to my performance and expression and how to allow my storytelling to be a way to heal myself and share. I feel like I can step into roles and songs truthfully and allow Nour to shine through.

    Molly is unique because she leads by example. She will guide you, coach you, and cheer you on, as she herself grows and learns and shares.

    What I want you to know about Molly is that she has the biggest heart in the world. She will make space for you and will hold all of you with love and care. Molly will support you when you need a push, she will listen to you when you need to rant, she will make space for you when you need to be seen and witnessed, and she will give you the hard truths when you need to see them, she will be your friend and your family member and your biggest cheerleader.

    You should work with Molly if you want to step into your light, if you want to be celebrated for who you are, if you want to be loved and cared for and supported through whatever path you're on, and if you want guidance and support in feeling confident and grounded in YOU.

    Everyone needs a Molly in their life.

“After my time spent with Molly I have learned how to show up for myself.”

  • Working with Molly for the past two years, I think my biggest insights all have to do with recognizing and discovering things about myself that contribute to the artist that I am today. Most of the time we tell ourselves to push down any sort of feelings we have but Molly encourages us to embrace these feelings and USE them to sing. Whether those are positive or negative feelings, embracing them and giving ourselves the space to feel them is the best thing to do.

    I think one of the most important things that Molly has taught me is that when you step on a stage you are preparing to give the audience an experience rather than a performance. There is no way to truthfully perform feelings, we can only express them truthfully from our actual human feelings. I now feel like through any song I sing, I can see myself shining through brightly.

    Before going in for the final callback, Molly coached me to perform as if I had already gotten the part and to allow my body to perform as if I was rehearsing it for the first time. This gave me the perfect surge of confidence and peace in my body. I had never felt that confident and grounded in an audition before, let alone the final callback. I truly don't know what I would have done without Molly during my audition process.

    After my time spent with Molly, I think that I have begun to show up for myself in my life in a more forgiving way.

“I feel worthy and whole. It's like my inner child is able to play and enjoy life again.”

  • Before I worked with Molly I was on a downward spiral of perfectionism that I desperately needed pulling out of.

    I struggled to feel safe and worthy, and this manifested in my inability to connect with others and my own expression, joy, curiosity, and creativity.

    I have noticed that I now have space to hold all of my emotions, be messy, and take healthy risks without the unbearable, burning urge to "be perfect."

    I feel worthy and whole. It's like my inner child is able to play and enjoy life again.

    People even tell me that I seem powerful and happier. The clarity I feel still blows my mind.

    Since working with Molly, I now feel peace and security in my own skin. Sure, things get hard and that sucks, but this sense of "having myself" is proving to be more powerful than any other antidote to curing life's challenges.

    I've healed my inner child and discovered that my greatest dreams are already within me.

    I have overcome personal hurdles I never would've imagined before.

    What I want you to know about Molly is that she not only knows her stuff, but she meets her applicable knowledge with a level of wisdom and compassion I've literally never seen before.

    Someone should work with Molly if they know they are meant for more but don't know how to get there on their own.

    Molly is unique because she guides you in a very practical way that encourages self-discovery, rule-breaking, and dream-chasing.

Molly’s super power is her ability to listen and ask the best questions, free of judgment.”

  • Molly is a fabulous human being, dead stop. She has helped me build empathy, form stronger relationships with family and friends, and the courage to start and run a business. We have been working together for more than a decade and in that time, she has morphed from singing coach to life coach. I consider her indispensable to the path I am taking to achieve my goals in work and life, and more importantly, I consider her a dear friend for life. Her super power is her ability to listen and ask the best questions, free of judgment. She cares enough to be with you step by step on your journey. I could go on and on about Molly. She is such a gift.

“I have noticed I now find more joy in each day. I feel validated.”

  • Before I worked with Molly I felt  misunderstood and alone in my thoughts. I struggled to find comfort and safety in my own body. My biggest challenge was trusting myself.

    I have noticed I now find more joy in each day. I feel validated in my past experiences and hopeful for my future. People tell me that I seem more clear-headed

    Since working with Molly, I now feel like the trajectory of my life isn't pre-determined or destined for disappointment. I'm most proud... of how I meet myself with kindness and love more often than I used to. I’ve healed artistic wounds and fears from my childhood. I've discovered that my needs deserve to be met. I’ve accomplished making the time to act on what makes my body happy.

    Molly’s kindness and caring nature is unparalleled. She is incredibly genuine and practices what she teaches. She goes above and beyond to validate your feelings, even if you feel like they aren't significant, and helps you work through how to move forward.

    Molly helps you rediscover gratitude and trust within your body.

    She is unique because she keeps safe the parts of you that you're scared to show until you're ready and empowered to show them to the rest of the world.


Dream it


Dream it 〰️